Home again, home again, jiggedy jig....At last Saturday's market we got 3 lbs. of pork belly from Emma and Brandon Smith from Sand Farm in Andover, Ohio, where they raise grass fed beef and pigs. Pork belly is bacon that hasn't been smoked. It is nothing like the heavily salted product at the grocery store.

After we pick the produce on Friday night we wash it and bundle it into reasonable sizes to sell.

Our garlic is amazing this year. The variety is called 'Music'. Anne thinks they are too big for a single person cooking for one or two, so we may try another variety this fall.

We sold out of our rainbow-colored carrots: purple, yellow and orange. Also the garlic, basil, golden and red beets, radishes and basil. Terry decided now that the garden is getting into full swing we will be there every Sat. instead of bi-weekly as we have been up until now.
This whole business would be less stressful if we weren't also working 40 hours at other jobs :)