Monday, March 28, 2011


We are thinking a lot about nests these days.  A pair of red-shouldered hawks have made a large nest near our house. We should have known something big was going on. They were so loud every day. Now I know that that is a sign of mating, and that hawks are monogomous and that red-shouldered hawks use greenery in their nests and that they lay 2-3 eggs, and that the female is larger than the male.  I was happy to see the remnants of our fall taxus pruning put to such good use.

Here she is in the nest. Hawks are about 19" tall so she is quite visible from far away.  Just before sunset she flew down to a lower branch where she was met by her mate who brought her dinner - a small animal of some sort. He left, she ate and then went back up to the nest.

I will be happy when the woods green up, but sad that my view will be obstructed.

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